Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Pics, Photos, and Stuff

As many of you know, my own digital camera bit the dust almost a year ago in some freak Yalta hail storm, so I have been at the mercy of my fellow travel companions to bring along this form of technology that makes it oh so much easier for me to share it with you. Thankfully, my clustermate brought her camera along and left the photos on my computer before she went back to site, so these are all courtesy of her graciousness.

I have been dreadfully ill for the past 3 days, which is rather unfortunate considering that I have a busy weekend ahead. Tomorrow I must head out bright and early for a mandatory training to learn what to do in the event of a catastrophe in Ukraine (natural disaster, civil unrest, political upheaval--like that will ever happen!). After that is over, I head back to site to quickly pack for the next few weeks, as I am heading out to Kyiv in the evening for the weekend before popping over to Paris and Belgium. Yes, life is hard.

When I do get back to Eastern Europe, I gotta hang out in Kyiv for another few days to redo the TB exam. Keep your fingers crossed for me and I'll post the results when I am back at site, in a few weeks.

Till then, enjoy the only pics you're likely to see for awhile, since I don't think anyone is bringing a digital to Paris.


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