Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

The Volunteers Version of Meeting a Rock Star

After arriving home from Istanbul for a day I recieved an sms from a local PCV who said that a writer from Lonely Planet was coming through N-- and wanted to meet up.

I was of course super excited. I use Lonely Planet all the time when I travel and use it a lot in country too. Also, I have always thought what a neat job writing for a travel guide would be, so to speak to someone first hand about it and the process would be a great opportunity, besides also talking up how extremely awesome my site is.

We met up late and I took him to a local restaurant/bar and tried to give him the low down on N-- and what would be useful to know and what tips I had.

He said that N-- would be in the next guide with a couple of paragraphs, basic info, a few restaurants, bars, and hotels. He also asked if I knew anything about a Nuclear Missle Museum north of the oblast. I didn't, but I knew a volunteer in the that area who might. He indicated that if he could find this place, it'd be a big scoop for him.

I called my friend the next day who had actually been to the museum and had her give him some info about it and he was able to check it out himself. We then called each other and were giddy about the prospect of seeing our area highlighted in the next edition of Lonely Planet. She said that I had made her day by putting her in touch with him. I guess we thought that somehow by proxy we will influence a new wave of tourism in Ukraine and specifically the South (outside of Odessa)--but such is our love for travel, Lonely Planet, and the third Peace Corps goal.


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