Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

This Blog Needs a New Name

Two Dollars a Day should now be Two Cover Letters a Day, as I basically write and send off an average of two a day now.

I have settled into the apartment in S-- and have had a chance to return some much belated phone calls, but still need to catch up with basically everyone. Sorry.

The transitioning continues and in extremely surprising ways to me.

Grocery shopping takes three times as long as it used to, looking over everything as if I've landed from a strange planet. And yet, I get frustrated at things like not having the same selection in things like yogurt and juice as was in Ukraine (enjoy it Christa).

People move so fast, so quickly, so carelessly. Cars triply so. It's frustrating that people won't even wait for you to move back to the right lane when they are riding your bumper when you are in the left lane and just carelessly pass you on the right. (Think about it if you are one of these people--not everyone drives for a living or has the same Andretti like reflexes that you do). I've been honked at, passed, flicked off, etc, and never for doing something illegal, just for perhaps taking up a bit more of their precious time as I try and figure out exactly where the heck I am going, or if I am *gasp* going the speed limit.

The cost of living in America seems pretty high as well. I think about what I need to make to even maintain the lifestyle that I lived in Ukraine and (to me) it is astronomical. It seems ludricous that a person would need to make somewhere in the mid-twenty thousand range just to survive but there it is. In Ukraine, I could save approximately 20% of my monthly living allowance. I don't even see how that will be feasible for me even when I do get a job.

So those are just some thoughts that I've been having for the past few days when I'm not job searching online or doing crunches with my new housemate.


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