Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Moving is always stressful but yesterday evening it got a whole lot worse when the person who said that he was going to move into my apartment e-mailed and said that he would be unable to.

I leave Monday and have no one to take over my lease, which means that I'll be out at least one month's rent. I am so angry/frustrated.

But I guess that helps to give me energy to pack.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ug - that stinks!!! I'm sorry, Molly! I hope you are able to find someone to assume your lease soon.

Did you get my email with the house address? Hoping I sent it to a current email - I've been mostly chating with you through your blog, so... anyway, just call our cells after tomorrow morning when you get the chance. We're headed out around 10 or so.

Hope the rest of moving goes smootly!

5:19 PM  

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