Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Monday, October 16, 2006


Fall is so beautiful. Leaves turning colors. Beautiful vibrant flowers still in bloom. The crisp feeling in the air that makes you aware that the cold is coming, but the sun is now still out and it's okay to take off your coat and let the sun warm your shoulders.

The market is full of fall's bounty, and just about everything is cheap. Tomatoes, oniions, potatoes, all around two griven a kilo (about 40 cents US) and countless lother fresh goods to be had at reasonable prices.

Traveling provides an excellent vantage point over brown fields, shorn, but still alive, as you look over them from the train, bus, or marshtrutka. Houses have small but plentiful gardens and one can see spots of orange where pumpkins and other squash are growing. Bright purple and blue morning glories crown gate entrances and people seem busy.

Pupils put on uniforms and head out in the morning but can be seen wandering in the afternoons, usually with a bag of sunflower seeds in hand. Students line the sidewalk between the two university buildingds. They crowd together goofing off, wasting time with clouds of smoke over their heads. It is still not terribly cold, so they do not need jackets.

Soon it will start to get darker earlier. It will be too cold to not layer clothing. People will walk more briskly, more hurriedly. They will be less patient.

Soon my second cycle of seasons will begin. Another fall, another winter, another spring and so on. Soon I will have to winterize my windows all alone. Soon I'll have to buy canned fruits and vegetables because I have no host family and I never learned how to do it. Soon I'll be begging for the centralized heat to kick on, bundling up under blankets, sweaters, and long johns-shivering.

But for now, I'll enjoy the fall.

*This was written over a week ago. It has gotten cold. Fall is finally here, without any hints of summer left!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here in Melbourne it is just starting to get hot. Two days last week it was 34 degrees. Then it gets freezing again for a few days. But soon, hot all the time.

Autumn doesnt bring death, but death in life. Like the green man, tucking his severed head under his arm and saying "be back next year".


6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's cold here too! Western NY got hit with a large amount of snow last week. I didn't get any snow days. I was bummed!

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It got frigging cold overnight here. Can't really post pics as I've got none (my digital has been broken for months) and now with the internet basically over with...

9:32 AM  

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