Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Oh Well

Gone the way of tequila shots, tight jeans, and fat free Entenmanns’s muffins, dial up internet at home can be added to the list of things that were “a good idea at the time” but just not worth it in the end.

I got my phone bill for last month and looked at some strange charge that seemed to me to say (remember-all official documents are in Ukrainian) “city language.” My more adept sitemate affirmed my fear. Yep. I was getting charged to make local calls.

Can you believe that?

So not only am I out over fifteen bucks this month for that charge alone, but I can also look forward to bigger charges next month. This may not at all seem like a big deal to you, but that money can easily make or break me for a month, and now I likewise have to plan for next month’s upcoming disaster.

There is a “call back” option on my internet card that I’ve tried since I realized that calling out could be hazardous, but it either will not connect, or when it does connect, it does not work well, if at all.

Originally a plan for convenience and to save money, the internet has really not helped me achieve either goal in the end. So I guess it’s back to the internet clubs for me. Ho-hum. It just seemed like such a good idea at the time…


Blogger Molly said...

B I got it--I thought that I sent you confirmation, but maybe it was just to Leah since I got two on the same day (actually, I think that I talked about it on the blog!!) We are watching "Pretty In Pink" this week in film club. They love it. Also, check your own mailbox--I sent out a thank you letter! :)

6:01 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Can you get broadband?

7:13 AM  

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