
As of a few months ago, Arizona has become the place that I have lived the longest since graduating from college back in 2000.
This means that I've lived here for over 27 months.
What a feat that is for a person like me.
My beloved supervisor from my VISTA days once said, "Molly does everything in two year stints." For some reason, I always took that to heart. Two years is long enough to get the hang of what you are doing--to learn the lay of the land--and to have seen enough to know that you are ready to move on to greener pastures and not get bored or complacent.
Perhaps that is one way of attempting to describe what could otherwise be referred to as 'itchy feet' but I've really tried to dig down and make the Sonoran desert my home. The natural beauty is astounding and I have endless opportunities for hiking and great weather.
But the work lacks meaning for me.
Currently, there are opportunities to instead work on personal growth, which in some ways I believe can only happen by being stationary and fighting against similar patterns I've used in the past in an effort to find what it is that I truly want. On the other hand, what is the point in fighting something that just has never felt entirely "home"?
I miss having meaning and purpose in my life. I'm looking for something, but I'm still not clued into what it could be. Teaching? Development work? Running volunteer programs? Working towards social change?
I just don't know. But I am thinking that I should sit on a bit....
Or maybe not?
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