Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Nearing home plate.

Well, my chair has indicated that she will have my revisions done and delivered on campus by 1pm. From there, I make the corrections, head to the library, print that puppy out, and if it's after 4:30pm, I take it home. If it's not, I deliever it to my chair, who will look at it and probably not get it back to me before Tuesday, which is the day that it is due. Either way, if I get it to him today or Friday, I still think that I won't get it back until the 5th. I will then quickly make any corrections, print it out another time, put it in some special folder (which I will probably buy today) and take it over to the graduate office by 4:30pm. And then, dear reader, it is over. That's it. I will technically be done. Finally.

In the meantime, I think that I will watch some Ukrainian movie I picked up at the local video store, which is awesome and totally should have been included on my "5 things I like about Bowling Green" list. I am sorry I forgot about it.

*****Late Edition Edit: I got the rest of the revisions back from my chair. Actually, they got sent directly (somehow) to my director. I snatched them back and looked through them. No corrections necessary. Huh. I then hightailed it back to home, as I didn't sent it with the abstract, title page, table of contents, etc. I then gave it back to my director, and he said that he should have it back to me by tomorrow afternoon. Theoretically this means that I could be done by tomorrow. Tomorrow people! Tonight my friend's s.o. is playing in a band. Quarter beers. She also turned hers in today, so people, get to Bowling Green, and we'll see you at Checkers.


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