Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Saturday, July 23, 2005


Well, we made a whirlwind tour of Cincinatti, and honestly, it probably would have taken half the time that we allotted for it. The city does not have a lot of things for tourists to do. There are several art museums, but after reading about the collections, we decided that they didn't really have anything that we were really interested in seeing. We also went to check out some river boats on the Ohio River over in Kentucky (right across the river) and well, they didn't have anything either, other than a shuttle to the Reds game. When I asked if they did a "tour" of sorts, the woman said no, that it was mostly a shuttle. Well, we walked across the bridge in about 10 minutes, so we decided that we'd keep our $4 per person.

Our lunch at the Rock Bottom Brewery adjacent Fountain Square was lackluster too. Mom complained that her lunch was not as it was listed in the menu and mine wasn't all that great. Oh well.

We decided that we would spend some time investigating the Freedom Center, but didn't leave enough time to take it all in. Focusing on the plight for freedom that various peoples (predominantly African Americans) it was very educational and we didn't even make it through the top floor before the museum closed and we spent about a half hour out on their patio waiting for the Reds game.

The Red s game basically did make up for the rest of the city though, as we had good seats, the game against the Brewers was exciting, and we had excellent company as a gentleman from Vermont sat next to us who was originally from the city to provide some local color as well as some expanded social commentary on the East too. The Reds won, which is always cool to see the home team win.

The next morning we decided to check out the Mt. Adams area that according to the brochures was Cincinnati's answer to Manayunk outside of Philly. That area was really pretty and beautiful. But we were ready to head home and I had pumped up the Toledo Art Museum so much that she wanted to check it out. She was impressed!

Tomorrow we head to Detroit for the Tigers game. Hopefully that will be as much fun.


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