Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Yesterday afternoon there was a severe thunderstorm alert for Northern Ohio for the entire evening. Here they seem to take those things very seriously, more seriously than in Southeastern Pennsylvania, and after experiencing storms here, I understand why. I am not entirely too sure what the deal is, but because of all the wide empty spaces and farmland, I suppose that storm-like weather can produce tornadoes. Also they always cause rain to pour down like a faucet has been opened right above your head. It rains torrents here and when it does thunder and lightening, the sound cascades from very far away sounding horrific and very scary. If you happen to be near the center of the storm it is even worse. I can typically sleep through such storms, but not here. They are the loudest, most violent storms I have ever experienced.

Yesterday the storm did arrive, but did not thunder or lightening. Just poured down rain like cats and dogs for about a half hour and then produced a beautiful rainbow (even a portion of a second one) that I saw when I returned some of my library books. Driving back to my apartment, I noticed that a part of the rainbow appeared to begin or end in the BGSU football stadium, something that I hoped someone who cared was around to appreciate or get a photograph. Because of the trees in my backyard, I was unable to get a picture of it myself, but it was so glorious to see after not finding any for over a year and a half. I'm sure that there will be another before I am to leave town.


Blogger HouseRunner said...

it's time to change your banner, master Molly!

8:13 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

shit. well, I'm still in Ohio and I haven't walked yet.

10:29 AM  

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