Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Saturday, July 16, 2005


After coming home, I was able to check my e-mail and see that some of the volunteers had gotten the promised packet from the Peace Corps that indicated that our staging would take place in Chicago.

This was almost a given, as I had read earlier that Ukraine groups almost always leave from Chicago, but a part of me was definitely still holding out for Philadelphia for obvious reasons.

Things are moving quickly and even though I realize this, I don't think that I fully appreciate the magnitude of my decision. I will be leaving the country soon and leaving it for a significant amount of time. I did not get homesick in England or in Russia, but I was also only gone for 3 months and was fortunate in one case to already speak the language and the in the other case became friends with another person from BG who spoke Russian fluently and we passed most of our afternoons together. Plus, all of our excursions and such were in English and my host mother spoke English. Essentially in some ways I cheated the system, but felt at the time that learning Russian was not a priority like living the culture as much as possible. Boy, I wish that I would have paid more attention. But at least I know and remember all the niceties.

I feel that I need to work harder on learning Ukrainian and reading about the country. This vacation has set me off and with the wicked sunburn I achieved I am more interested in watching television than engaging my brain in activities like learning a new language or reading the history of my new home. Of course, I also need to plan things like what am I going to take, how am I going to get rid of my furniture, and what can I do to prepare myself to teach English and what sorts of things can I bring over to help me accomplish that goal.

My confidence of a few months back, especially when waiting to hear about the organizations final decision and placement for me has begun to crumble. But I suppose that most people have doubts about any major life changing decision, right? Cold feet and the like? Sometimes it seems so overwhelming that the excitement of it is gone--but I still feel like it is the right thing to do now. But I suppose if it was so easy it wouldn't be the toughest job you'll ever love, right?


Blogger Molly said...

Just a few days.

7:00 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Oh, I hope that we have time to go to Second City! I didn't get a chance to do that last time I was in Chicago!

7:14 AM  

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