Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Today was a Good Day

I finally was able to head back to the gym this morning for the first time in maybe three weeks. It felt good to do that, even if I did have to start over to an extent. Especially with the weights. But thankfully, the gym won't be closed tomorrow or Sunday, so I can continue this weekend.

This afternoon, I was able to pick up the final revisions from my director. Before that, I went out to lunch with the kitties owner, which was also nice. She informed me that my reader said that my thesis was good. This was after she informed him that comments like "it's not a train wreck" are not considered constructive, especially to females who solely hear "this is crap." I redid the revisions this afternoon, and the table of contents too, after conferring with colleagues. I also want to reread the entire thing tomorrow and make sure that I did all the of the footnotes correctly. Joy! So, technically, after tomorrow, it will be done. Just will need to print it out and put it in a binder and hand it in to the Graduate Office on Tuesday. Another copy will go to the department and I'll bind a copy for myself. I can then rejoin the land of the living, and call back all of you that I have not chatted with in forever!

The rest of this weekend will be spent cleaning, because my place looks awful. Sunday afternoon I can get rid of most of the clutter, as I will finally be able to return all the library books.

The only potentially bad thing that happened today comes as the first woman Supreme Court Justice announced her retirement. This could potentially f*ck things up, but we just have to have faith that the judges who are appointed have a respect and love of the law and do not bend to public pressure. The administration also needs to realize that appointing extreme conservatives to the bench is no different than accusing liberals of "judicial activism." It will be interesting to see how this takes shape. Again, let's all hope that it's someone that everyone can live with.


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