Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

First Impressions

Many years ago, a volunteer sat in the back of the room. She had just moments earlier been introduced to her new boss. They were sitting in an informational meeting about the work they would be doing and the various rules and regulations. There were probably 40 or more people in this room.

This volunteer was tired. She and her other volunteers had been sitting through such riveting training topics as "service learning 101," "Higher Ed 101," and the infamous "Marker Training." Day dreaming about something not memorable, this volunteer leaned back in her chair. Way back. This volunteer ended up falling backwards to the floor causing such a commotion that the presenter all the way in the front of room asked if she was okay and if she could continue. This voulnteer was humilated.

As months moved into years the partnership between the volunteer took the original meeting almost as an omen of sorts. An odd and embarassing start to what became a highly productive, professional, and fun two years.

Some years later, before 6am, a volunteer steps off a train. She's excited. She's tired. She's carrying a heavy bag. She misses a step getting off the train and falls the rest of the way causing commotion and a flutter of hands. Embarrassed, she moved behind the sign two young men are carrying that reads "Peace Corps," hoping that they are mere drivers that will take her away to meet her new host family and counterpart.

From out of the shadows appears a very tall figure who peers down from behind spectacles and a knit hat and says, "You must be Molly." Crestfallen, the volunteer shakes her head and realizes that her new "partner' had witnessed the whole thing. She is hopeful that this too was an omen. Only time will tell.


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