Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Monday, May 15, 2006


While it was not necessarily hard to leave America, I have found it harder to be in Ukraine since my visit home. Actually harder than when I first arrived. Perhaps I am still tired and exhausted, as things have been busy here and I tend to need some time to readjust once my routine has been changed.

And I erally have not had time to properly get my Ukrainian life back in order since my return. but of cousre there could be excuses for just being lazy.

I am craving the end of the semester though and some of the exciting events that will take place over the summer. I am excited about having the chance to recreate myself over the summer, of becoming a hard-nose teacher and not having to plan lesson plans week by week, like I do now.

I am hoping that family and friends from America and beyond will want to see what life is like in Ukraine and will come and visit me.

I have many things to look forward to here in Ukraine and I hope that after I get back into the groove of things that I won't feel a certain kind of sadness when I light my kolonka. That things will return to normal and it won't make me sad that when I turn on my tv I don't undersatnd what the people are saying. Or that I am extremely poor (by U.S. standards, of course). None of these things bothered me before and they won't bother me soon enough.


Blogger Molly said...

Ed, thank you. And you both know how much I think of you guys too!!!

2:46 AM  

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