Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Back from the Weekend

I had a great time at my clustermate's this weekend. What I liked the most about it was that essentially did nothing and was really nice to just hang out and relax. There were a few other volunteers there that I don't always get an opportunity to see, and it's always nice to just sit down and relax and talk with folks, trying to get to know them better.

We cooked together, watched movies, went to the bizarre, grabbed a cold beer...just relaxed.

It was a retreat of sorts for me and exactly the kind of thing I enjoy. I found myself on Sunday afternoon having a hard time breaking away, as I have missed the comfortableness of my clustermate. After seeing her unexpectedly in Kyiv earlier thiat week, I did promise myself I'd make more of an effort to see her and spend time with her. Hope all of that is possible. We are both such busy people.


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