Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Monday, August 21, 2006

First Impressions

We were all so giddy and happy to be there but we were carrying bags and needed to check in to our various hostels. Three of us would be staying in one, another one a little ways away by public transport. Budapest has a really great transportation system that is fairly easy to negotiate and you can get a pass that very quicly pas for itself.

Before hitting our hostel though, we all wanted a bite to eat.

We saw a Pizza Hut in the distance and practically ran to it. Yes, i know PIzza Hut is not a great restaurant, but it's also not like we had all just come from America either--we have been over 10 months in Ukraine. Our waiter spoke excellent English, and the pizza was pretty good too.

During the meal, I asked a few questions about where we were staying (they made the reservations) and they answered vaguely. Afterwards we started walking towards the hostel. We got really close to the Danube on the Pest side and as we were crossing the street one of the girls "spilled" her secret--her parents had decided to book her a hotel room for the trip as a present. At first I thought it was an unbelievably cruel joke, but it turned out tobe true. This was quiest possibly the best news I had heard in 10 months. Our room had an amazing view over the Danube--looking straight ahead at the castle and the chain bridge was just right there below. We efelt as if there was no reason to even leave the hotel. With such a beautiful room, a sauna, pool, fitness room, and English TV channels, why would anyone need to leave?

Budapest was automatically a favorite.


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