Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Being Sick

I was able to get a bus back to my site from my friends in the morning but as the bus rolled along, I increasingly felt sicker and sicker. When finally at home I ran to the train station to buy a ticket to Kyiv for my next trip a few deays away and cancelled all other plans.

While I still made it to my classes the next a.m. I felt like I would die and gave up reading out loud because of my cold and my overall lack of enthuiasm that accompanies any cold. I miserably cancelled English club and peered into my medical kit. I took my temperature about 90 times, just out of boredom. Being sick is a drag, but it's worse in a place where you can't even watch TV. Reading was out of the question considering how awful I felt, so I had to make due with trying to watch a movie. As my lap top now refuses to play any burned cds (therefore anything I have here), I sadly realised I loaned my copy of "Pretty in Pink" to two students of mine, but finally got around to watching something else.

What was nice though were the concerns of the Ukrainians that I know. I got phone calls and text messages from several, checking in and making sure I didn't need antyhign from the apteka. That made me feel a little better, especially when one girl called and asked if I needed honey. HOw wonderful that Ukrainians realize how soothing that can be when sick.


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