Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hvar: The Croatian Vacation Continues

Early in the day, Eric and I arrived by ferry in Hvar--one of the many islands found in the Adriatic coast. We were welcomed by our host, Luka, who runs a hostel from his home.

He told us how to get to the quickest beach and where to go to get to the center of town.

The place, while buzzing with tourists, was quite peaceful. It has a beautiful medieval center of town that looks out on a port, and over the city looms a fortress on a mountain. After our dinner we decided to hike up to this fortress.

The trail winds up the mountain and not too far into our journey my flip flops decided to give out, turning me into the shoeless one. Rather than turning around, I wanted to press on and get to the top before night fall.

During the journey up, we were treated with numerous beautiful overlooks of the city and the clear aquamarine sea before we stumbled off the path to a tiny abandoned church with a bright blue door.

We camped there for a bit before continuing on our journey which eventually led my tired and sore foot to the fortress. From atop the mountain we could watch the town light up for the evening. The trip down was less monumental and more painful until I acquired new flip flops.

The next day we wandered more around the town and lounged on rocks by the sea. It was somewhere there that I decided that Hvar was the closest thing to Paradise I had ever seen or experienced and wanted to stay there indefinitely, imagining what sort of life I could lead working at the one "shkola" for teenagers interested in the food industry.

The attitude of the island was very relaxed and it was easy to see how much there was to do--hiking around the island, boat trips to smaller uninhabited islands with more beaches. Unfortunately, we did not have time for that, but enjoyed ourselves walking about the town, the water, and swimming in the salty sea.

Soon enough, it was time to pack up and hit our next destination, another ferry ride awaited our next island getaway.


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