Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Non-Profit Job Fair

Yesterday BU had a job fair along with the Idealist (check out their web site) and I only went to meet the Peace Corps folks.

The room was packed with Boston area non-profits and schools and I glanced around looking for the recognizable logo. When I approached the table there was already a line of folks interested in hearing about Peace Corps. When I was asked if I was a student, I told her that I was an RPCV. Probably the first time I've introduced myself as such! After she was done answering questions for the individuals interested, we chatted for a bit and when I told her that I just got home, she kind of laughed and said "yeah. It's gonna be hard. But you have to persevere. It just takes a long time."

If that's not an upbeat way to start a job fair, I don't know what is.


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