Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Krakow is an escape for Eastern European PCVs. It's Europe without the sticker shock of the Euro. And it's absolutely beautiful. For me, Krakow also held one more very important attraction: it was a budget airline hub. In addition, it was also unbelievably easy to get to and from the airport to the city and the train station is steps away from the old part of town. It's all just too... convenient. Something rarely afforded to us in our daily lives. These pics are from last July.

Krakow's most famous site is the Castle. Here is a just a small detail of the space that sits up on a hill.

Is the Pope Catholic? Well, not anymore, but you can still rest assured. There are as many Catholic churches in Krakow as there are universities in Boston.


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