Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Second Leg

On Friday morning (October 3rd) (I decided to stay and watch the much anticipated debates on Thursday) I left for Nashville, over a mere 800 miles away. The trip was long, and made even longer by frequent potty stops. The scenery was beautiful though, and kept me going. Passing through the rolling hills of farmland Pennsylvania, I was cognitiscent that it would be a long time before I saw them again.

I went through Maryland and West Virginia in a flash, but spent most of my day down Interstate 81, following Shennadoh most of the way. I have taken that route before, many years ago, when I was a VISTA at Lasell and took a group of girls on a trip to Rural Retreat, Virginia. Years before that, a group visited a high school friend for his birthday at VA Tech. The mountains there remind me only of Scotland and it is no surprise that many Scots found there way to those hills hundreds of years ago and never went any further.

Finally, after literally hours of driving, I made my way into Tennessee and drove across the state encountering more and more traffic until I was in Nashville and at my destination. It had been over 13 hours on the road and I was just zonked. Thankfully, my host was kind enough to have some vittles ready by the time that I rolled up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your trip is(was) going well. Keep us posted!!

5:13 PM  

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