Today's Tarot
The Past:

The 2 of Pentacles, representing indecision. A balance of two impossible opposites. The ship has sailed, a cycle is coming on.
The Present:

The High Priestess, representing looking within, isolation. A solitary woman. A female hermit. Going off by self. The psychic card.
The Future:

The 9 of Pentacles, representing fulfillment. Success. Prosperity, in a homey sense.
Other prominent card:
The Moon:

Pay attention to dreams, write them down. Self-discovery through dreams, and paying attention to intuition.
In general:
6 months till move, leaving Arizona for water. Grieving will continue.

The 2 of Pentacles, representing indecision. A balance of two impossible opposites. The ship has sailed, a cycle is coming on.
The Present:

The High Priestess, representing looking within, isolation. A solitary woman. A female hermit. Going off by self. The psychic card.
The Future:

The 9 of Pentacles, representing fulfillment. Success. Prosperity, in a homey sense.
Other prominent card:
The Moon:

Pay attention to dreams, write them down. Self-discovery through dreams, and paying attention to intuition.
In general:
6 months till move, leaving Arizona for water. Grieving will continue.
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