Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Beautiful Day!

Outside it is gorgeous. After a storm came in a few days ago, the weather has been wonderful. I could turn off the air conditioner and open up all the windows and feel a nice cool breeze in the apartment. Today it is sunny, but cool. Socks and sweater are needed.

Sorry, I was just now interupted from my faithful blogging by the Church of Latter Day Saints, or whatever name the Mormons are going by nowadays. This comes just a day after two women Jehovah's Witnesses came to my door. It seems that I am always the only one who is either around or bothers to answer the door for these people. Oh well. Neither were pushy and left me alone. I might even consider asking them in to chat, but my apartment looks like the Apocalypse took place here. Sadly, one of the Mormons was really cute. I say sad because it is probable that he is only 18.

Anyway, today I will read the thesis, check the footnotes, and print it out. So close, but still little motivation. There is a bio about Prince William (speaking of younger men...) on television, and this is much more interesting than reading.


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