Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Back in October, when there was still a possibility of this country having different leadership, Eric and I went to see Morrissey in concert in Milwaukee. I know what you're thinking, "why Milwaukee?" Well, it was the only concert within a certain radius that happened on a weekend when we both could attend, so we went and had a great time at the show and a great time in Milwaukee. The city was totally rad, who knew? The art museum is totally beautiful archetectually and the city has tons of good eats. I raved so much about the place that I was eager to go back and when my mother was into coming out this summer to take in some baseball games, I told her that we should see the Brewers in Milwaukee. We went to the game on Monday night and boy oh boy it was actually pretty fun. These midwesterners start off all nice and mellow, but when it's baseball time in Milwaukee, it's also Miller Time (the name of the ballpark is Miller Park, go figure) and they become as loud and obnoxious as any Philadelphian. The Brewers did win and we spent the next day walking downtown and checking out all the art deco buildings and then went to Miller Brewery for a tour. It was free, by the way. Anyway, the tour was not all that great, but it was interesting and you got some free samples at the end of it.

After that, we decided to take off and head back to home. She did not necessarily care if we made it all the way back to Bowling Green, so I suggested that if the weather would cooperate (it was raining at this point) that we go to Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore for some photo ops. There was some serious traffic jams in and around Chicago. We went (no lie) 30 miles in two hours. Traffic doesn't really bother me, I lived in Boston for two years and only after a year and a half did it begin to bother me. But then the rain started to come. Evil horrendous torrents of rain and big black clouds that never lifted. I pleaded to get off the road and we ended up staying in the nicest (and cheapest) Days Inn in Porter (or Portage??) Indiana. I have to give them a shout out, because it was so nice. We then went for some dessert next door at Denny's (I had done some serious driving that evening and I deserved a reward). Our waiter only charged us for one sundae and then we ran back to the hotel for the evening.

Although I don't think that my mother was as charmed with Milwaukee as I was, I totally dig that town. It rocks.


Blogger HouseRunner said...

i thought cleveland rocked?

sounds like you had a nice time with yo' momma. Yay Baseball!

Tell Eric I loved the pic!

12:37 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Cleveland does rock, but Milwaukee is actually cooler than Cleveland. Probably because it's closer to Chicago, but it's just a really rockin town. One day I might be able to call that place home.

We definitely took in lots of baseball, and the most enjoyable game was in Cincinnati, but that was because we were 'entertained' as my mother says, by one of the fellow spectators.

1:31 PM  

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