Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Thursday, April 27, 2006


I finally was able to go down to the ж. д. vauxhaul and buy my train tickets home. I heard stories that some people where having a hard time buying tickets to come down to N-- for the weekend since we are hosting a "music festival" of sorts. There are numerous holidays coming up and a lot of university students have off, so people will be travelling.

There was a long line at all of the ticket booths this morning so I promptly left to go to the VIP kaca. There was a line there too. A line full of angry people since they could not buy tickets for the trains they wanted, since they were all sold out.

I anxiously waited my turn and yes, tickets from N-- to Kyiv where in fact sold out. "All tickets?" I inquired. I could not believe that the first class seats would be taken. "All," the ticket lady told me. Dammit.

I explained to her in my crappy Russian that my brother was getting home and I needed to catch a plane. Okay. What I really said was "my brother will be groom. I need Kyiv plane" and the date. Very good, Molly. Seven months and that is the best that you can do?

Anyway, feeling my anguish and seeing that I was in near tears, she found something for me. A ticket from ODESSA to Kyiv on the same day that will get me into Kyiv around the same time. Joy of joys. I told her to do it, because shit, at this point in time, I don't have a choice. I will simply have to take a marshrtuka to Odessa, adding more money and time, but hey, I'll be home.

I unfortunately also will need to stay in Kyiv an extra night on my way back, because there isn't a train that leaves late enough, "supposedly," although I believe that this too is b.s. But again. It will all be good.

And thanks to Leah for following through on the phone call. I have been assured that there will be pizza awaiting me upon my arrival. I just hope that it's not Dominos or Papa Johns, even though at that hour and after such a long flight, I probably won't care.

Oh, and can I add a liter of root beer?


Blogger Molly said...

Oh, and I forgot to comment on the customer service. I was surprised that the woman did not yell and scream at me like she did everyone else. And at least TWO people in line wanted to make sure that I understood that the train leaving was from ODESSA and not my town. Pretty nice of them.

5:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You big foreigner you. Dont you know that you are better than the Ukraine people? They obviously do.

9:07 AM  
Blogger HouseRunner said...

yay for pizza. oh, and wow, i can't believe it's been a year. YAY for you! it's so exciting and sounds like such an exciting experience. As for the blog- is what your doing rewarding? do you think it chimes with the peace corp mission? would you reccomend it? are you too close to say anything about it?

my blog turned 1 today. it is strange!

3:17 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Chandra-my work is very rewarding. I love my students and the work I do. In terms of the PC mission, that is a good and hard question to define. We have three goals, and I would say that I do all three: 1) share American culture with foreigners 2) share foreign culture with Americans 3) provide tech support. Yep on all three. It's just probably not your traditional PC assignment: being in a university, in a city, and in a pretty developed country like Ukraine. But shit, it's hard work too. And I would recommend it to anyone.

12:28 AM  

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