Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Hitting the Ethnic Jackpot

In other words, I received Mr. Howe's package, and Mr. Howe's package was good.

A multitude of food stuffs full of flavour, and even some reading material. Even the newspaper packing will be used in my American culture class tomorrow. I mean, sure it's Australian, but we have fish and boats too! There is also some fantastic book about the Crimean War that is a real page turner (yes, I never thought that I'd ever say something like that, but it's really good!)

It arrived yesterday, and as I am suffering again from yet another cold her in Ukraine, it was rather fortuitious that I even bothered to walk the extra distance to the post office, but I am certainly glad that I did, for I was repaid dearly. There were some chicken soup packets as well, which doesn't take a Jewish grandmother to ponit out how good that is when suffering from a cold. Psychic you are! Спасибо болше. Or something like that. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


There is actually scientific evidence that shows chicken soup to be good for you when ill, as my Dad is very fond of pointing out. Something to do with electrolytes and ease of absorbsion.

They sure do love their fish and boats over here. Australians retire to Queensland like old people moving to Florida, and its usually so they can buy a "tinnie" (small metal boat) and go fishing every day. There are almost as many bait shops in Townsville as fashion outlets.

If you like the book, it is one of a series of 12 featuring the same craven poltroon, Harry Flashman. There are even three set in America, one of which (Flashman and the Redskins) is also a great favorite of mine.

7:45 AM  

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