And my favorite....

Here is the statue of Lenin in Yalta. I have heard that a PCV somewhere here in Ukraine decided to start a photo collection of Lenin statues in Ukraine, and there is certainly no shortage, at least in the south, east, center, and of course, Crimea, a strongly Russian place.
This is my second favorite Lenin that I have seen. The first is outside an administration building in St. Petersburg. This is mostly because he is huge, with his hand out and his coat blowing behind him. He (like the administrative building) is massive and imposing. This Lenin is more regal, but extremely out of place amongst the Crimean palm trees and lush vegetation and mountains. He would be better suited for his location if he was wearing some sandals, Hawaiian shirt, some shorts, sunglasses, and a pina colada in one hand. In the other, perhaps a travel book about Yalta.
His current vantage point has him in direct view of a kasino and the McDonalds. One has to laugh.
Maybe the permanent scowl those statues always wear was a premptive strike against the view of the Macdonalds.
Speaking of Lenin in a hawaiian shirt, did you hear about the recent controversy involving the genuine article, the real stuffed Lenin in Moscow? The conservators who dress him were saying that next time he is given his spring clean and clothing change, they were thinking of sprucing up his appearance for the modern visitor by adding a colourful tie. The man must be turning in his grave. if he werent stuffed in a glass case in moscow, that is.
Incidentally, I must include my dads favorite former communist bloc statue story. It was at the time when most of these statues were being torn down in the former East Berlin, and there was a famous one of Marx and Engels together in one of the big city squares. Some Berlin wag had spray painted on the plinth "Leave them alone, it wasnt their fault."
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