Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Friday, December 22, 2006


Just like so many of you getting ready for the holidays, I am too feeling a certain crunch trying to prepare for many things that seem to be happening all at once, but sensing that nothing will get accomplished.

Firstly, today was dedicated to cleaning my apartment. It is now past four o'clock and no cleaning has taken place, not even the purchase of rubber like gloves to do things like clean the bathroom and wash the floors. If it is not done today, it probably won't get done. 
Secondly, I decided that I would spend the New Year in Kyiv, and I thought that I'd have plenty of time to make reservations, etc, but after a friend cautioned me about the difficultly in securing anything I went into a frenzy, trying to locate an apartment to stay. Everything is booked or the prices have doubled, and I in no way, shape or form can justify spending $120 for an apartment in Kyiv for one night. This is impossible for me to fathom.

I realized how stupid I had been about waiting when I went bought tickets to Kyiv yesterday and found out that all koupe tickets were sold out. Platzkarte was only available on certain trains (and not on the regular N-- to Kyiv train, so I knew that things must really be busy) or luxe. I never asked how much luxe was, and when I found out I nearly passed out. Something over 200 grivenya for one ticket, this is $40. No way.

So, I still have no leads on a place to stay, but have two tickets to Kyiv in platzkarte, which is something that I would wish on no visitor to Ukraine to endure. I, myself, leave tomorrow on a trip to Chervitsi, where a link mate lives, where we will journey off into the Carpathian countryside together to meet up with a group of volunteers celebrating Christmas in a picturesque log cabin in the woods. Dreamy, indeed. But a lengthy process for me. First I must go to Odessa by marshtruka (about 2 to 2 and a half hours) and then get to the train station. The train will leave around 3pm and I'll arrive at 9 am. That's a pretty long ride. And stressful for me--I can never relax until I am on the train itself.

I also still need to pack for this small trip, find a white elephant gift, meet with my host sister, my tutor, do laundry, and clean, all before I leave tomorrow a.m. It's all just not going to happen and I'm feeling rather under pressure from it all.

But again, tis the holiday season. To have it be careful and merry would be boring, right?


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