Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


These past few weeks have been quite busy to say the least. Cleaning my apartment, making piles of clothes, books, and other objects to get rid of. Mailed one box of clothes home and have more to send along. Sketched my after COS travel plans and purchased all the plane tickets. Will worry about hostels later.

Went to Kyiv to begin my COS procedure of endless signatures and closings of things like grants and bank accounts. Did most of my medical and some routine paperwork, but still have to buy some things for my grant before I can close it. Another time consuming project that I am putting off.

I have also started putting together lesson plans to give to my university when I leave, which is boring and time consuming. So I don't do it that often.

Instead it has been more interesting to look for an apartment in Boston and for possible jobs. I think the apartment might be impossible till I get home--who is going to want to live with someone they have never met before (or who doesn't have a job). But I am still trying. I know I'll feel better having a place to call home, rather than a couch.

So all of these numerous things take up the little free time I have (although I did watch two movies last night--thanks Mary...) but are making life much more interesting right now. I can't believe that I have less than a month at my site. Time is really flying by.


Blogger Susan said...

Hey Molly,

So, it's been forever since you've heard from me, but I do check your blog almost everyday. We got your post card too. Thank you so much for thinking of us and keeping in touch. I can't believe that you are so close to coming home!! It will be great to see you again and hear your stories in person... and re-introduce you to my kids! Cora is potty trained now and David is walking! Ed and I are well. I'll be glad to fill you in more once you're in the same country!! So, it sounds like you will be planning to live in Boston? Let me know if there's anything I can do for you and let me know the details of when you get home! Miss you and hope the last few weeks go very well for you. See you soon!

5:22 AM  
Blogger Leah said...

Ms. Molly I'm very excited for your return to the States. You've done quite a bit of traveling - nice pic of the Eiffel Tower!

Love you, miss you.



9:55 AM  

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