As of today, October 3rd, I have been in Ukraine for 2 whole years. Two complete years.
It is daunting to think of all the time that has passed, how much I have changed, how the awe of this place eventually wore off. But, despite occasional frustrations, set backs, or miscommunication, I am still very happy and thankful to be here, loving my courses, my students, and the communities that I am in contact with.
It has also only recently been a point for me to ponder that I am leaving people behind. It's not a good feeling and one I have not yet figured out how to reconcile, but I know that staying for me would not be the answer. I am ready to come home, but maybe one is never ready to say goodbye?
It is daunting to think of all the time that has passed, how much I have changed, how the awe of this place eventually wore off. But, despite occasional frustrations, set backs, or miscommunication, I am still very happy and thankful to be here, loving my courses, my students, and the communities that I am in contact with.
It has also only recently been a point for me to ponder that I am leaving people behind. It's not a good feeling and one I have not yet figured out how to reconcile, but I know that staying for me would not be the answer. I am ready to come home, but maybe one is never ready to say goodbye?
HOORAY!!! Happy Anniversary!!! I can't wait to see you when you get back here and head north!! I'll have TWO new people in my life for you to meet, and one of them has been hearing about you for 2 1/2 years now, so he's about as excited as I am to finally see you!!! The other... well... the other hears me mention Molly, but probably at this point thinks "YAY!! Mommy's excited about a 'Molly'... what's a 'Molly'?!" ;)
Miss you!
-B :)
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