Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Peace Corps Week

It was 48 years ago when President Kennedy challenged a group of students from the Univeristy of Michigan to devote several years of their life to living abroad in developing countries in an effort to stave off communism. And with that speech there was an overwhelming response that made the Kennedy campaign staff realize that they were on to something... In the year that followed, Kennedy received more mail about the "Peace Corps" than any other subject. It was evident that something about this idea resonated in the minds and hearts of young people across this country.

Since its inception almost 200,000 people have served in the Peace Corps, in over 100 different countries across the globe.

I am proud to have been one of those people and to have known so many others who have given of their time to live and work in conditions drastically different than that of their lives in the United States in order to learn something more about the world we live in and about ourselves.

The toughest job you'll ever love? I don't think that it was that tough; challenging at times, but never "tough," however I certainly did love it and would do it all over again.

Boston Area RPCVs can celebrate this week by attending a different ethnic restaurant each night of the week. They have tried to incorporate each area of the globe where the Peace Corps has served. It's a pretty great idea and I plan on attending several nights. I believe on Saturday that there is a service event, but as I will be continuing my work as an ESL teacher on Saturday, I won't be able to attend.

It is nice to know those community members of this group are actively pursuing ways of keeping in touch and meeting up with others who have answered this unique call to service.


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