Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Monday, June 06, 2005

A Free Trip to the Dentist

No, that was not a typo. It was *free* free and free! Can you believe that?

Perhaps I had paid so much the first time I went in January that they felt bad for me. Or perhaps the dentist acknowledged that sometimes his own handiwork is not the best and sanded me down for free. FREE!

So while that is good news, not finishing my conclusion in time is bad news. I asked for extra time but never received a response. I took this to mean: "Hey, I'm not in my office anyway! Who cares!" and will run with that. I was having such a hard time with it that I decided to just handwrite it as opposed to typing it up. The heat and summer has arrived and it's oppressively hot. Too hot for my little lap top, so writing saves it from overheating and exhaustion. It's gotta last for the next two years, afterall!

My upcoming departure has also made it difficult to concentrate again on the thesis. I was good at blocking it out when I was in the process of writing new stuff, tackling each chapter fairly quickly, but now, I just want to read! I got a new book in the mail today that I ordered some time ago and it, like all the others, seems really interesting and incorporates learning the language, which will be useful. Of course, who knows, I may not need Ukrainian anyway, but all of that is beyond my control for now.

***Now for some commentary on the marketing of our military***
I also must relate a commercial that I saw this morning when doing my regular exercises while watching the Golden Girls on Lifetime. It was a commercial for the Armed Forces and it has this young African American son telling his mother that he's found a way of paying for college (you see him holding a brouchure). The mother looks hesistant and then says "tell me more..." and the son makes some comment like, "well, it's time for me to be a man" or something to that effect, and a few other things that do not stand out as much, and his mother says again "okay, go on," and that is the end of the commerical. It surprisingly (I think) was targeted towards parents, because the voice that came over the commercial at the end said something like, "be there for them" or "listen to them," essentially saying: "don't slap 'em silly when they tell you that they want to join." This commercial came on the heels of a conversation that I had with my mother last night were she told me that the military has not met it's recruitment quotas for the past four months. I said, "well, there aren't anymore poor people to send, I guess," and then she told me that a Congressmen has recently gotten in trouble for making a similar comment along the lines of "all the fruit has been picked from the bottom of the tree." My question is, what are they going to do about it? Because I know that when I was walking around Toledo this past fall talking to people and trying to get them out to vote, 1 out of 4 homes in the lower income areas told me that their sons were in Iraq and how much they opposed that decision. They were all black women. So, I hope that the marketing director for the Armed Services has something else up its sleeve, because I don't think that too many women are going to buy into sending their boys off (esp. when it is so specifically targeted towards single black mothers). There is a lot more to be said here, but again, I am disgressing and will get back to that at another time.

Back to typing up the conclusion.


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