Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

So many things...

Ah, I have procrastinated all day thus far. I headed down to BG this morning, turned in the 4th chapter with it's crappy conclusion and then went off to the gym. It was so freaking hot that I could not stand to work out an hour! I came back to the apartment, got myself ready for my day and have been doing nowt since. *Sigh* It is so beautiful outside that I would so much rather be going someplace where I could read and enjoy it. Ah well. The conclusion awaits.

Last night I saw something on the news that disturbed me and I still don't think that I can fully articulate why I found it so awful. I grew up watching Tom Brokaw, so I still watch NBC, although the Tom Clone Brian Williams is very much a poor replacement, but better than watching CBS or NBC. They need to bring that cute Anderson Cooper over... But I digress. Anyway, everyone is talking about 'Deep Throat' and Watergate, and not having lived through it myself (I was born during the Carter Administration) it's hard to understand why this is so important or newsworthy. I suppose I should go rent "All the President's Men" or something to find out.

But anyway, during the newscast, Mr. Williams keeps hinting at "when we get back, we will hear what Nixon thought about Felt, the man who was 'Deep Throat'" and so on. I'm thinking, hey, this could be interesting, it has a certain historical thrill to it. And this goes on for the newscast until the end, when they finally play this nearly inaudiable secret tape that Nixon had made. They are talking about who could have leaked the information, and then Nixon asks ones of his dudes, "hey, is he a Catholic?" and the dude responds something like "no, a Jew" and well, it goes from bad to worse there. Honestly, I was so horror stricken by this and being subjected to this bigotry without any freaking warning. Couldn't Mr. Williams have prefaced it with "and now we will hear the WASP-y anti-Semetic comments from one of our President's." Honestly, I just think that airing something like that is so irresponsible on the part of NBC. I have no idea if anyone else aired it, and I don't believe that bigotry or hatred should be covered up, I don't think that anyone is arguing that Nixon was a great man, but c'mon now. They (NBC) never bothered to mention how some people may find it offensive, bothersome, nothing, nada. Just played the clip and Williams made some comment about "a sign of the times" or something and moved on. It's just so problematic to me. Oh well. Maybe it's common knowledge to those who lived through that Presidency that Nixon was a bigot, but I certainly didn't know. And I certainly don't appreciate it being broadcast like that without any sort of dialogue accompanying it. Anyway. That's all for now.


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