Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Good Morning!

Yesterday I spent revising the revisions I had already made (huh? It's true) so that means that today I am back to making major revisions to the rest of chapter 3, and then all of chapters 4 and 5. It is still more than half way through the whole thing, actually, 2/3 I think, with only 42 pages more to revise. It is just that it takes me forever to make those kinds of revisions, and honestly, I'm tired of it altogether. But the revisions don't get done on their own.

What I would I rather be doing? Planning the camping trip that I'll be taking in early-mid July. I still have no idea what kind of tent it is that I should get--but I'm hoping to go to a store at some point in time and talk to someone who knows what they are doing. I always get excited about any prospects of traveling, so I want to read about the places, where to stay, etc etc.

I also started reading about Ukraine last night--I figure since I am only revising now, I do not need to read any further books, so in the evenings, it's my choice as to what I want to read. I started with something easy, although I can't wait to read some of the history books. I figure this will give me a sense of the people, the language, the history, the culture, and so on. It's Culture Shock! Ukraine which is a guide to customs and etiquette. It's been interesting thus far, including a humor section with such kneeslappers as: Why does the Lada Samara have a heated rear window? So that your hands won't freeze when you push it! Although this one is too funny:
What is 150 yards long and eats potatoes? The meat queue in Moscow. Ha! Soviet humor!

So basically, with so many things to look forward to, it's hard to concentrate on revisions. Plus my apartment looks like someone came in and trashed the place, living little concern for the person who actually lives here. The thing is, that person was me. Coming and going for the past month, I have mail left just about everywhere and on all surfaces. Clothing is littering my bedroom in massive mounds that can not get put away until I make the time to do it. The sink is never completely free of dishes, although I do tend to wash while I cook. And then there are books, papers, pamphlets, drafts, everywhere. I suppose that that is normal, considering what I am working on and that I'm a graduate student. I just hate having to walk around stacks of books and jumping over piles of paper. One day this will be over. But of course, those revisions don't get done by themself.

Off to work.


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