Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Michael Jackson moving to Ohio?

Yesterday was a busy day. Or at least I tried to make it as busy as possible. I did some research, finished writing the first revised draft of my intro, edited it, and sent it off to my "editor." I also talked to my chair, who made me feel a lot better, although she will be calling me later this afternoon with her thoughts on the last 2 chapters, so this good feeling might not last!

Anyway, last night I ran off to the library as quickly as possible before it closed so that I could print out a copy of the revised chapter to take back to Perrysburg with me. I doubt that I was in the library for a half hour and when I exited, I quickly became enveloped in a huge swarm of teenage boys. HUGE. There were hundreds of them, all dressed in suits and no specks of pepper from what I could see. When I got to the parking lot, I had to wait several minutes for the hordes of boys went in every direction, shouting at each other, goofing off, doing usual teenage boy stuff. They were carrying yellow flags with names on them like "Leonard" or "Copeland." And I was confused. What was going on? Why has the entire white teenage boy population of Ohio descended upon Bowling Green, Ohio? I was afraid that I'd run some o those young boys over, but fortunately, some had manners enough to wait while my Honda and six other vehicles made way out of that Twilight Zone.

This morning I went back to the library to print out the revisions my editor suggested, and sure enough, I heard music playing from inside the arena. The arena is also where the Army and ROTC meets, so I was wondering whether or not there was some sort of connection? If the military has become so desperate for young blood that they have begun training early.

And on the way out, I thought, perhaps the state of Ohio has gathered up their young boys in an attempt to thwart Michael Jackson from wanting to move here. I mean, the state has already suffered a great loss with Katie Holmes galavanting around with Tom Cruise and reportedly converting to Scientology. Ohio is simply protecting their young white male children. Or perhaps it is the American Legion's Buckeye Boys Fair (as a sign in the front of the University now proclaims). Either way.


Blogger HouseRunner said...

I love yesterday's picture, and you ARE SO CLOSE! you are going to kick ass, take names, and teach them a thing or 7 in your defense.

*good luck hug* and when you get within 100 miles of me, I will buy you a beer (or several) and then I will go home and burn the picture i found of you licking a teletuby.

You Rock *insert lots of other encouragement here*

10:53 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Chandra, many thanks at attempting to make me feel better. Why could you have not been on my committee?

I love that photograph too--none of the ones from Russia are mine, but I *swear* that I took one just like it!!!

11:20 AM  

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