Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Last night was horrendous. I had a difficult time sleeping and the evil kitties were the culprits. Usually they are angelic kitties, or as angelic as kitties can be, but since I had been playing a new fun game with them all day, I think that they decided to get their revenge in the evening. "Why, Molly, what 'fun' game could you be playing with these kitties that would turn them against you?" I will tell you. Yesterday I worked hard revising my conclusion so I could turn in the whole thing to my reader. As the cats like to do, they come into where I am working, want to be paid attention to for awhile and then leave--when they want to--they are cats, afterall. Typically, I am fine with this and will indulge their little kitty habits. Yesterday though, I would let them stay for about a minute and then pick the cat up (they never attack together, it's always one of the other with them) and would then go find where the other kitty was resting (this was typically the girl cat sleeping on the couch) and then attempt to place the other kitty directly on the sleeping cat. They did not think that this game was fun, and usually both cats would disperse in opposite directions and leave me alone--my point had been made. Later in the afternoon, I was working away and turned around to find a book behind me and my quick movement was met with a smacking sound. Yup. I hit one of the kitties directly on the head. Oh, I felt so bad! It hurt my hand, so I could only imagine how it must have hurt her, so she scampered off and I tried to follow her, telling her how sorry I was and trying to show her that I am not a big mean ogre.

But I guess the damage was done and they decided to get even with me. I went to bed around 11:30pm and the boy kitty wanted to play fetch for awhile. Fine. Then the girl cat would come in and try to smother me. Fine. But then it just went on and on. She was going nuts, licking my hands, curling up and then walking on me. I then pretended to be asleep and she left. When I would move to get comfortable, she'd be back again, sitting on me and harassing me! Geesh! I finally was left alone after 1:30am.

In other news, I decided to call my new education loan people (goodbye Sallie Mae, I'm sorry about all those things I said about you) to just ask them some questions and to let them know, 'hey, I'm still in school--I don't owe you anything yet!' and my info had not yet transferred. I proceeded to ask questions about how to go about deferring the loans for the Peace Corps. She said that I would qualify for economic hardship and that would be that. I had recently heard that you could only apply for that for a limited number of years total in your life, as I will most likely be hardshipped economically for the rest of my life, I was upset by this answer. The total is 36 months--I'll be serving in the Peace Corps for 27. And then before I joined VISTA I did that for about 3 months. That leaves me with 6 months! EEEEEEEEEHHHHH! I'm scared. So I ask, what about this Ed Award that I have--can't I give you a lump sum of that and you subtract it from the amount owed each month (so if your payments are something like $150, and I give them $3000 from AmeriCorps, that should last a looong time, right?) . Well, that apparently does not work. I love the fact that I have an Ed Award, but man, that just sucks. So, I ask her why this is, and she says it's federal law, and I say who do you have to contact to get this changed? And she said Congress. Well, Congress you are on notice! I'm coming after you, dammit and I want some answers as to why the Ed Award should not be used in this manner? Money is money, what is the big deal? So that made me angry.

But thankfully, after I turned in the thesis, I decided to call a friend and go over to her place and chat for awhile, and that calmed me down. Now it's time to head back up for the day and work on revising the introduction....


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