Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

More Animal Visitors

This morning when I got up I looked out the front windows and saw something that I've never seen here in Ohio.

I know that I spend a lot of time writing about various types of animals, cats, ducks, and so on. But today I saw an animal that I am so used to seeing at home in Pennsylvania that it took me a second to remember, "hey, that's weird!" Really more than anything, it was the fact that this animal was wondering in a residential neighborhood. It was really out of place. And it looked really sick. Frothing at the mouth and a bit limp, startled, and wild. But it was a deer. No one is really scared of a deer (well, unless you are behind a wheel and it just jumped out at you). It ran across the front lawn and then I could no longer see it. I went to find another window to look out of and opened up the front door to notice no less than three police cars outside. Three! One was an animal control vehicle, to be sure, but two more cars? What, were they afraid that Bambi was packing heat? Are deer not allowed in Ohio?

They took off after the animal disappeared, so I never did get to the bottom of what was going on. I just hope that the little animal is okay.

In other news, I did work fairly hard today and finished a second draft of the conclusion. I will read it over once more before turning it in tomorrow. I had the hopes of reworking the introduction as well, but that is probably not going to happen. So boring!


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