Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Countdown is ON

Only 7 days until I defend. I am royally screwed. I will call my chair this afternoon and hope that she will have some good news like "by excellent first drafts, I meant revise some grammar, include the suggestions, and move on" not "rewrite entire thing." Keep your fingers crossed for me. I rewrote the intro, which I need to edit now and will go momentarily to the BG library and look for some GW quotes. After editing (which I believe shall take me the rest of today) I can move on to Chapter 1. I read Michael Sherry's In the Shadow of War as suggested by the chair, and I wish that I had read that sucker earlier. It's brilliant and helpful and makes revisions slightly exciting, but a lot more work. I still have a bunch of books to read about the political ideologies, which once upon a time I had down, but now I have forgotten--you know, republican used to mean liberal, blah blah blah. It's necessary when thinking about national service in regards from an ideological standpoint--because only Democratic presidents have started these sorts of programs. I still have no idea what she thinks of chapter four and the conclusion, so !!!!

It's a lot of work, when I just want to play. Or sleep.

But it won't get done unless I hop to it!


Blogger Molly said...

Someone is obviously trying to get themselves a mention on my acknowledgements page. Don't worry, you're already there.

1:53 PM  

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