Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Ah but plans can fall through....

...and time is against me now....time is against me now.

Okay, so I have done it. I have done the most horrible thing possible on a blog. I have used a Smiths song lyric to describe the way that I am feeling. No, don't call the suicide hotline, this is temporary and simply stemming from frustration.

It turns out the job with the newspaper is not quite as much $$ or time as I was originally told. I'm still happy that it's anything, however the temp agency would have paid less this week, but fed me and I would have walked to the place if I wanted. I'll now have to drive up to the Main Line and try to find a place to park and probably pay for parking in addition to the gas. So, is the more money (50 cents more an hour) actually worth it in the long run? It's hard to say. I should be thankful, I know, it's just disappointing, that's all.


We shall see what is like tomorrow. So it's early to bed early to rise for me.


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