Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

This Weekend

Successful weekend was had. Got to see one friend on Friday night and go over to another friend's house for dinner. On Saturday I ventured into the city and saw off another friend who is moving cross country. Before that, my mother informed me that it was Clover Day at Strawbridge's, a local department store here in the tri-state area. This meant that she was willing to purchase goods that I need for my departure seeing as how I did graduate and whatnot and my birthday and Christmas will be missed this year. I was not expecting the level of generousity that I received, so it was very nice indeed. So, I am set with a piece of luggage that will hopefully be adequate. I decided to forgo a bit on size in an effort to have better control. The Peace Corps packing motto it seems is pack less. This is mostly because you have to be able to physically carry all of your luggage to and from various sites. Considering that we will be moving around a lot during the first six months, it's definitely something to take into consideration. I'm debating on what kind of carry on, if any, I should get, and how I will take over my lap top. I have a carrier for it, but should that be my carry on?

She was also kind enough to purchase a winter coat and a nice lined rain coat. Both look professional and will do the trick for the Ukrainian winters that I have a feeling will be similar to Ohio and Western New York and Boston. I'm not scared. Bring it on.

Today I then searched online for professional looking durable boots. After a friend suggested shopping at I found a pair of boots that I thought would do the trick. But they didn't come in my size. So after continuously searcing, I found them at a lower price somewhere else, but not refundable, so if they get here and they are not quite what I want or need, I'm screwed. But for that there is always e-bay.

I still have a lengthy list of things needed and I am quickly realizing that I need to step this search up, but I think that after the boots are gotten, I will be almost set. Another pair or durable professional shoes for the rest of the year need to be acquired, and I'm a picky shoe person, so this could be a pain in the ass.

For the evening, we went to go see the Wedding Crashers since just about everyone I know has been talking about how hysterical this movie is. It was pretty funny, I admit. Raunchy, but I was definitely laughing out loud at this comedy.

In other news I have decided to cancel the interview scheduled for tomorrow morning regarding another temp agency. I will find out tomorrow whether or not the newspaper job will be on and if it's not, I'll go with the first temp agency that found me something for this week. I hope that the former comes through though, it would make my life easier.


Blogger HouseRunner said...

hey... what date are you leaving? it seems we are both counting down to around the same date. me for the 1/2 marathon and you for Ukraine. mmm.. which one will cause more blood sweat and tears? who can say
*keeping my fingers crossed for the newsie job*

9:03 AM  
Blogger Leah said...

I'm so happy i got to see you! as for your luggage dilemma - it's definitely a pain in the ass to haul around your life in a suitcase. think about bringing a good sized backpack - i'm sure it will be useful.

2:01 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Chandra, I leave for Chicago either the 29th or 30th of September. I leave the country on October 2nd arriving in Kyiv on the 3rd.

Leah--I am so glad that I got to see you too! I have to call you as I think that whatever you had the last time we talked I got too. Probably lack of sleep here too.

7:03 PM  

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