Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Only Eight Days!

And I am completely overwhelmed. And Freaking OUT.

There is so much stuff to do that it's hard to even figure out where to begin (this is what happens to me when I do feel overwhelmed, I easily shut down).

I know that I do have some awesome folks coming into town (perhaps even tomorrow?) so I need to clean. That is on the list.

I should also do some grocery shopping of sorts and at the very least get some balloons for those who are driving in. And Yuengling.

I am super excited that there are friends who were able to take the time to come down to see me. For those who were unable, I will this coming week devote some time to making phone calls and e-mailing. I will also need to send out postcards with my address on them--and probably also list it on here.

There are other things that I want to do before I leave, though, which include:

1) dancing OR karaoke.
2) Maryland style crab cakes
3) spending time with family
4) packing packing packing packing
5) practice with all my stuff to make sure I'm not going to have too much trouble
6) eat another awesome slice of pizza somewhere
7) see as many folks as possible, talk to those I can not see
8) try not to cry. period.
9) purchase an i-pod thingie
10) create a fabulous boxing system so that if I want my mother or father to send me something, it will be easy for them as everything will be labelled to the best of my ability
11) study at least five hours of Ukrainian. I've essentially given up, but that is not the attitude to have. I need to at least learn the niceities and how to use them.
12) read as much as I can
13) shop for stuff, including toiletries. I don't even want to think about Ukrainian feminine products.
14) use ingenuity for making things as small and compact as possible, including my down throw and down winter coat.
15) look into getting more memory for my little digital camera.

But of course none of these things are going to get done with me typing away here. Time to get started on the cleaning and cleaning out the closet. My mother will be so pleased!


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