Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Working Update

Well, the other day I told my supervisor what my last day of work at the newspaper would be: This coming Tuesday. *Dances*

Actually, I've really come to enjoy working at the paper. The people are overall really fun folks who make working easier. I've laughed, learned, and even groaned a bit, but it's all a part of growing, I suppose. And thinking and problem solving.

Learning new things from new perspectives in the area of any business can be extremely useful, as is learning how to deal with all sorts of people and personalities. I must say that I have been overall very lucky when it comes to finding jobs like this and typically finding an individual or two that I really get along with, respect, and look up to. This situation has been no different, and the only regret I have about leaving earlier is that I won't have more time to spend with those folks who make working fun.

Even though this work is not physically taxing or emotionally draining, I still find that when I come home from work, I am too tired to do much of anything, especially all things considered Ukrainian, which is the major reason for my decision to leave earlier. I'm beginning to have major doubts about my capabilities and my personal strength. I keep asking myself "why am I doing this?" but feel that this must be only normal for any major life changing event... I could call it cold feet, but I don't think that I'm going to dash. I just hope that I have the forititude and character to see it through, but as one of my oldest and dearest friends mentioned, what does it really matter as long as I'm happy. Thanks for that chat, Leah, it really helped me. I'll miss you terribly.

Now it's time to listen in on the President....


Blogger Leah said...

oh i'll miss you too! i hope you have an awesome time, but if it's costing you more sanity than you're gaining in experience, don't be afraid to come back - no friend worth anything would think less of you for it!

4:26 PM  

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