Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Going to Kyiv!

I am very excited about this coming weekend. Our group along with our Language teacher will be heading out to Kyiv on Sunday to take in some of the sights. This will be the first time that we have been able to leave our smallish town other than the few times we get to leave our smallish town to go the even smaller town where our "link" cluster lives. There town is ridiculously small, seeming to only exist of goats, chickens, and dirt roads. Because most of my group is University TEFL teachers, we get a "bigger" town with a Pedalogical College, so really, the excitement is more for them to come here than for us to go there. So, Kyiv will be a freaking large treat for us.

There are so many things to do and see in Kyiv, and everyone has their ideas of what will be cool. I think that I'll just be happy if we can find an interesting (ethnic) restaurant that might involve some spice of some sort. And of course, the huge statue that is like 900 feet tall. Underneath her (she's a woman holding a big sword) is the museum of the Great Patriotic War (WWII, for those of you not in the know),. which also might be neat to take in, depending upon the weather. We've been having some fabulous weather the past couple of days, but like it was at Alfred or Bowling Green, when the sun goes down it starts getting cold fast.

I am also hoping to take some pictures, but I have no idea when I will be able to post photos again...


Blogger Leah said...

wait - if you're not in kyiv, how are you getting mail? (isn't kyiv your address? i just sent something there anyway... some kyiv chick named molly is going to wonder why there's a crazy american sending her sting porno. just you wish i weren't.

2:59 PM  

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