Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Monday, October 24, 2005

I went to Kyiv and I all I got was Nothing.

People, what are you doing? Why are you not writing me?

Kyiv is the headquarters for the Peace Corps in Ukraine, hence it was an opportunity for me to pick up any letters, cards, pictures, peanut butter, Bigelow tea, etc, that anyone has possibly sent to me. Imagine my bitter disappointment when I found out that only one of my group got mail, and that one was not me. As it turned out, the married couple did receive a package from, which made me hopeful that perhaps I had been overlooked, but I was not able to find this pile, but was assured that no one possibly loved me.

Leah asked how come I'm not in Kyiv but my mail is for Kyiv, that is because the PC HQ is in Kyiv and I don't want to give out an address until I am permanently at site. So that is the story people!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there,

I think the mail monster is scarffing down your letters. I know I have sent a few filled with love and Halloween wishes.

6:52 AM  

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