Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I have been busy lately with a project at my university involving theater. And then there is applying for jobs and whatnot. But I was going to take some time out and write something about how life has been lately. But instead PC has other plans for me this evening! See, one of the safety measures we have here are what are called "wardens," people who typically live in cities and work to disseminate information from the main office. It means that you can be called at any time at any place, so it's sorta a sucky responsibility, but it's one that I have.

Hence this post is not about watching movies with my students, me finding the earring lady, or touching memories about my clustermate, COS or travels. It's about telling PCVs to not go to a Halloween party organized in the east. It's huge. Maybe 45% of the PCV population (yours truly will be sitting at home writing cover letters, organizing travel plans and just loving life in her city). Anyway. It's just something else to do tonight instead of the things I want to do! More later.


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