Thanks for the Well-Wishes
Today was by no means a good day, even by being in a beautiful city surrounded by beautiful things I found it hard to be focused on much of anything.
I have been staying in a hostel with a room full of Aussies, and while I was resting one came up and told me "hey, there is another Peace Corps Ukraine volunteer here!" I asked him his name and when he told me I got excited. Running down to the bar, it was confirmed! It was the very first person I had met before joining Peace Corps (for those of you who are PCVs, his initals are the same as mine) and it was great to see him and have some company, as I've always enjoyed seeing him and hanging out.
It made the evening better 100 fold.
More on Vienna later.
I have been staying in a hostel with a room full of Aussies, and while I was resting one came up and told me "hey, there is another Peace Corps Ukraine volunteer here!" I asked him his name and when he told me I got excited. Running down to the bar, it was confirmed! It was the very first person I had met before joining Peace Corps (for those of you who are PCVs, his initals are the same as mine) and it was great to see him and have some company, as I've always enjoyed seeing him and hanging out.
It made the evening better 100 fold.
More on Vienna later.
Hey Molly! I've been getting caught up on your posts today--sorry about the bum deal w/ the jerk cab driver but Sighisoara sounds amazing and glad to hear you had some great PCV company in Vienna. Miss you!
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