Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Making Strides!

Yesterday Eric and I drove all the way to Cleveland, Ohio so that we could participate in the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. The walk itself was five miles in a really nice area of Cleveland. The park was called Edgewater and we had some nice views of the skyscrapers of Cleveland and were right on Lake Erie. Over 2,000 people participated in the walk and almost $100,000 was raised for the event to help with breast cancer research, education, and prevention.

Thank you to those who contributed to our walk!

Afterwards, Eric and I decided to hang out at the park for a bit, since the day was so nice and the weather was beautiful. Things are almost out in full bloom in Cleveland. We had some snacks and then drove all the way home. This weekend has been a busy one socially, so it's been tough to get work done. Eric and I headed up to a graduation party in Detroit for a colleague of mine. We had a good time, even though the party was crashed by some dude who was asked to leave and did so, but only after crying "but you guys are so cool. I'm not cool like you guys." He was drunk, needless to say, with a gash on his head. Ah, Detroit. But it was a good time!

The photo below is from I-75. It's not too far from Bowling Green, and I pass it basically anytime I need to go anywhere. For as closeted off from the rest of America as BG is, there are some interesting surprises, this Center being one of them.

I hope to have pictures to show from the Walk we did, but they will come later.


Blogger Molly said...

Eric, are you talking about the turkey sandwich from Panera Bread? Because that sandwich was freaking incredible! Likewise, I could not describe it's tastiness and do it justice. Needless to say, it was supposed to be Eric's sandwich, but I ate half because it was just too darn good to resist. If anyone comes to Ohio, I will take you there. It was delicious!

11:20 AM  

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