Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

So, on the 19th, the day after my birthday, it snowed. Just enough to cover the ground and make it hard to walk around. I took a tumble on some of the smooth grantite that lines the streets on the way to the bus station to head off to technical training. Of course, one of my clustermates was with me and got a good chuckle out of it. So did I, actually.

Since then, I've broken out the winter coat and the winter boots, daring mother nature (or father frost) to make me feel cold. I'm often surprised at how nice and warm I do feel most of the time. That clustermate refers to my down winter coat as "puffy goodness," and it is quite that.

This morning I woke up and looked out the window and I saw that it was finally downpouring snow. Still not tons accumulated on the ground, but more than before. When I got myself ready to head out to the internet cafe before language lesson I noticed that it wasn't quite snowing, but sleeting/haling instead. Yuck. Even my puffy goodness could only keep me so dry. My jeans got soaked and I was thankful for the longjohns on underneath. They do help to keep me warm as well. And my Ug boots are awesome! They aren't the most attractive things in the world, but I feel so nice and warm *all the time* when I wear them.

I asked my technical trainer the other day, exactly how cold does it get here? -30, she responded (remember folks, we're Celsius). "That low," I said, "surely they cancel school then!" "Yes," she said, "but not when it's -28." Good to know. But hopefully it won't get quite that cold. But right now, it's pleasant and quite beautiful.


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