Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

...And Then There Were Two....

Grilled Blackened Chicken
Spicy Chicken Wings
Beer Bottom Chicken
Chicken Fajitas

I could go on....

While I would starve at my host family's, one volunteer always saw to it that I had a square meal. The above list are some of the incredibly tasty dishes he would magically put together and offer.

When he would leave town, he'd offer me his keys and tell me to stay over and watch any of the many dvds he had in his collection. Even on occassion when he was in town he'd let me stay over because I was uncomfortable going home at night. He even received a frantic call from me one afternoon after I had a rather questionable run-in with a drunken host father. He told me just to come over immediately and let me stay.

And one time after falling into a puddle of muddy water, he let me borrow a pair of pants to wear out to the store. He's fed, clothed, and housed me.

He's an excellent cook and host.

He has welcomed many Ukrainians to the various clubs we volunteers have in town, always advertising, always inviting, always a smile on his face, a hand out to shake, arms to hug. They love him and appreciate him in a way they have not responded to the rest of us, a bit more timid. He's the first to start conversations, to get the ball rolling, provide a joke or anecdote for the evening.

He's always the entertainer.

There were times (many times) when I needed someone to talk to, about life, love, work, and Ukraine. He's offered his ear, his sage advice, and most importantly, his life experiences. He's let me vent about everything, listening, asking questions, providing reassurance.

He's a wonderful friend.

He has left N--, his 2 years are finished, but the things he started will continue. I, for one, will miss him immensely. While my time in Ukraine has been short, most of my fondest memories here in N-- involve him. I learned so much from him, and I wish him all the best for his life back home in the States.

You will be missed!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you get some of those recipes from him Molly? Sorry to hear that he left, but I'm sure you'll make some other good friends while you're there. If not, let me know. Now that I'm dating an international woman, I've got connections throughout the globe, and can make things happen!

11:21 AM  
Blogger HouseRunner said...

that stinks.

but as Dory said "just keep swimming, just keep swimming"

2:35 PM  

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