Two Dollars A Day

Photos and thoughts from the past and present and dreams about the future.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Ask Not What Your Peace Corps Volunteer Can Do for you, but what You Can Do for Your Peace Corps Volunteer

I know that you must sit beind the wheel of your air conditioned/heated car/truck/SUV/Jeep/luxury vehicle every day on the way to/from work/the gym/school/the grocery store/the movies/dry cleaners/fast food drive/ethnic restaurant of your choice/church/a loved one's home and ponder what exactly can you do for your PCV?

I know it has been taxing you as of late--but I have an answer for you!

Send me American music! C'mon burn some cd's in the name of sharing our proud musical heritage!

When I left for Ukraine I was not asking myself the proper questions, such as, "how will I share my culture with others who have never met an American before?" No. I was selfish. I thought- "I know Russian pop music is crap (with relatively few exceptions) so I can only imagine that Ukrainian pop will be worse. Better get as much Sting/Duran Duran/Morrissey/the Clash/The Police/Blur/Bowie on my I-pod as possible."

Did you notice something music fans? Yes, not only do I have questionable taste in music, but none of those "artists" are American!

Now, since I am teaching 3 American Culture courses this semester, I'd really like to offer one "fun" class on uniquely American music, like jazz, gospel, folk, country, and of cousre some Elvis, Bruce, and even some older rap. Also, I would love to have some tunes with social messages from the 60s and 70s, like protest songs. (Please remember though, Joni Mitchell is North American, not really American!) . Christmas music would be great for a class I will do during the week of Thanksgiving about both holidays--their traditions and histories (but I would need those songs a few weeks earlier).

Also, any suggestions that you'd have would be great! I want to do this class at the end of the semester, so if you are interested in sending stuff out, it would have to be by early November, which I will also note, is my birthday month, and I'll have been here well over a year by then.

I thank you. Your country thanks you, and Ukraine thanks you.

*please note that whenever I want something from now on I will be using this title. My apologies to JFK.


Blogger Unknown said...

I've got loads of CDs by American artists (mainly 1977 onwards). Email me your address & I'll see if I can get summat sorted out for you :-)

11:56 AM  

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